Breaking Free from The Matrix: Why Protecting Your Mind is Essential for True Freedom

Out of The Matrix
Waywyrd Wanderer Thoughts
The Journal of a Waywyrd Wanderer
April 2nd

How much does watching the news affect you?
Do You watch Horror films? after watching them do you somehow become more aware of the darkness creeping in at night, or perhaps the sudden creak on the landing or stairs…but you live alone.

Many years ago I used to love watching old Horror movies, not the madman running around with blades on his fingertips, or the masked man attacking teenage kids and being brought back to life more times than I’ve had hot dinners.

My horror movies were the ones about ghosts, films that your conscious mind told you couldn’t be real. But, deep down that lovely friend of ours the Evil Ego is whispering to you…” it’s all real…be afraid…be very afraid”…was that an evil laugh I just heard?

OK, Horror films are one thing, but what about living a day-to-day life and letting in all the things we watch on TV, read in the news, and hear in the street…the day to dramas of the world in general.

Once we begin to let the outside world affect our thoughts we are on a very slippery slope…downwards…
How much does the news get to you?

So, today’s Daily Stoic talks about “BE WARY OF WHAT YOU LET IN”.

“Drama, combat, terror, numbness, and subservience—every day these things wipe out your sacred principles, whenever your mind entertains them uncritically or lets them slip in.”

It’s often difficult to do the right thing when we’re surrounded by people with low standards or when the media is filled with negativity. Even when we try to focus on our own issues, it can be challenging to avoid the drama and conflict of other people’s lives. Despite our efforts to shield ourselves from external influences, we are inevitably exposed to them.

But just because we’re exposed to societal controls, social media controls, governmental controls, media controls, or the subtle manipulations of the Matrix doesn’t mean we have to let them control us. We have the power to put up our guard and decide what we allow into our minds. We can choose to resist the influences that seek to control us and instead focus on our own thoughts and actions.

It’s important to recognise that these external influences often work in subtle ways, influencing our thoughts and behaviours without our even realising it. This is especially true of the Matrix, which can exert a powerful influence over our lives without us even being aware of it. But if we are vigilant and mindful, we can resist these influences and maintain control over our own lives.

Neo’s journey in the Matrix films is a powerful metaphor for how we can be controlled and manipulated by societal, media, and governmental forces. At first, he is trapped in the Matrix, just like we can be trapped in the web of societal and media controls. However, Neo’s ability to break away from these manipulations serves as a reminder that we too have the power to resist and take control of our own minds. His journey shows us that we don’t have to be victims of these forces, but instead, we can become masters of our own destinies.

So the next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by external influences, remember that you have the power to decide what you allow into your mind. By staying alert and focused, you can resist societal controls, social media controls, governmental controls, media controls, and the manipulations of the Matrix, and instead live a life that is truly your own.—

Thank you for reading this post, feel free to comment in the section below, share your thoughts on the blog, and or follow me on social media, using the links below.

Once again, thank you.

Ric Temple. Waywyrd Wanderer.

Life Coach, Motivational Mentor, Writer, and Dog Lover

Author of Freeing Yourself From Other People’s Limiting Bullsh*t

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