Imposter Syndrome. When fear kills your passion…When fear leads to failure

Journal of an Author

23rd May 2021

This morning I woke up with a heavy heart and a feeling of fear, I have no idea where it came, it was just there this morning, it was just there.

It’s not something I haven’t experienced before, I have had similar feelings in the past, sometimes when taking exams, learning to drive, taking a driving test and other areas where it seems really important that I don’t fail. Fear it’s like that horrible black spider on the wall that sits there, out of your reach, and it remains there daring you to deal with it, to face your fear of spiders, or whatever it is you are scared of, and succeed. Yet your fear knows the secret of you, better than you know yourself.

As I made my morning drink, I tried to summon up some positive thoughts and feelings and I felt my vibrations begin to rise, albeit ever so slowly. Still that fear sat there…demanding the attention it didn’t deserve.

Fear that devilish snake that if we let it destroys our passions and ultimately our lives as we fall down the hole of failure. Fear speaks to us, telling us how we are not what we truly are, it mimics our ego and seeks to make us give up rather than take that leap of faith, it makes us fail before we have even tried to succeed, and it laughs as we make the excuses we think others need to hear as to why we didn’t do something. Fear that tells us we are imposters, lambs rather than lions.

The other day I read a social media post about “imposter syndrome”, the author of the post was someone who had written and successfully published a lot of books which included several bestsellers, yet still they often saw themselves as an imposter, and was scared of failing every time they sent off a new manuscript.

Can you imagine it, someone as successful as that suffering from fear and failure, in fact imposter syndrome and fear is nothing special, we all suffer from it. Fear foe that seeks to weaken our resolve and strength. Yet we are ever indomitable to this foe, for whatever causes that fear within us can easily be suppressed by that belief and faith we have in our own abilities.

Like that writer I am scared everyday, fear is one of my enemies, it knows me, it haunts me, and it laughs at me. Yet when it rears it’s ugly head like a king cobra ready to strike, I find that happy spark inside me, I find the right button to push that will open the trapdoor and send that sneaky snake of fear back into the pits of my own abyss, and I move in with my day, until the next day.

Fear is our worst enemy, it is harsher than any other person can be, as if comes deep within our own psyche, more often than not it was once a seed placed there by another person, a loved one, a friend, a stranger, and perhaps a teacher. They placed that seed of doubt within us, sometimes by accident or ignorance, but more likely by a purpose, through their own inadequacy and jealousies. Passing in the disease that had once been placed within their own psyche, and the pandemic of fear continues. Or does it.

Once we recognise where this fear, this seed or doubt or limiting belief has come from, and what it’s effects are we can put a hall to the spreading of the disease. We can make changes within our selves, our hearts, minds, actions, and voices to prevent it being passed onto others.

The way to succeed in life is not allowing fear to win, it’s a healthy thing to have that fear rise up within us, as the path to success lies in knowing what we are scared of, to face our adversaries with a realistic understanding and know how to defeat them. To take the lead and be strong in your heart and foundations, know yourself and you will know how to defeat fear.

Be who you realistically are and follow your own yellow brick road, like the cowardly lion find your inner strength and be courageous in your daily living, like the scarecrow find your brain, think and understand what works for you, like the tin man find your heart and feel that love that flows truly through you.

We all have to face fear what makes the difference in our lives is how we face that fear.

Thank you for reading this post, feel free to comment in the section below, and share your thoughts on the blog, and or follow me on social media, using the links below.
Once again, thank you.
Ric. The Wayward Wanderer.


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